"Four and nine. Those lovely curtains. Five shillings. Cosy curtains. Selling new at two guineas. Any advance on five shillings? Going for five shillings." (U10.646)
"The lacquey lifted his handbell and shook it:
- Barang!" (U10.649)
"J.A. Jackson, W.E. Wylie, A. Munro and H.T. Gahan, their stretched necks wagging," (U10.651)

A period bicycle race, I am not sure where.
"negotiated the curve by the College library.
Mr Dedalus, tugging a long moustache, came round from Williams' row. He halted near his daughter.
- It's time for you, she said." (U10.653)
"- Stand up straight for the love of the Lord Jesus, Mr Dedalus said. Are you trying to imitate your uncle John the cornetplayer, head upon shoulder? Melancholy God!
Dilly shrugged her shoulders. Mr Dedalus placed his hands on them and held them back.
- Stand up straight, girl, he said. You'll get curvature of the spine. Do you know what you look like?
He let his head sink suddenly down and forward, hunching his shoulders and dropping his underjaw.
— Give it up, father, Dilly said. All the people are looking at you." (U10.657)
"Mr Dedalus drew himself upright and tugged again at his moustache." (U10.667)
"- Did you get any money? Dilly asked.
- Where would I get money? Mr Dedalus said. There is no-one in Dublin would lend me fourpence.
- You got some, Dilly said, looking in his eyes.
- How do you know that? Mr Dedalus asked, his tongue in his cheek." (U10.668)
"Mr Kernan, pleased with the order he had booked, walked boldly along James's street." (U10.673)

[Note: this is not Tom Kernan]
"— I know you did, Dilly answered. Were you in the Scotch house now?
— I was not then, Mr Dedalus said, smiling. Was it the little nuns taught you to be so saucy? Here.
He handed her a shilling.
— See if you can do anything with that, he said." (U8.675)
"— I suppose you got five, Dilly said. Give me more than that.
— Wait awhile, Mr Dedalus said threateningly. You're like the rest of them, are you? An insolent pack of little bitches since your poor mother died. But wait awhile. You'll all get a short shrift and a long day from me. Low blackguardism! I'm going to get rid of you. Wouldn't care if I was stretched out stiff. He's dead. The man upstairs is dead.
He left her and walked on. Dilly followed quickly and pulled his coat.
— Well, what is it? he said, stopping." (U10.680)
"The lacquey rang his bell behind their backs.
— Barang!
— Curse your bloody blatant soul, Mr Dedalus cried, turning on him.
The lacquey, aware of comment, shook the lolling clapper of his bell but feebly:
— Bang!
Mr Dedalus stared at him.
— Watch him, he said. It's instructive. I wonder will he allow us to talk.
— You got more than that, father, Dilly said.
— I'm going to show you a little trick, Mr Dedalus said. I'll leave you all where Jesus left the jews. Look, there's all I have. I got two shillings from Jack Power and I spent twopence for a shave for the funeral.
He drew forth a handful of copper coins, nervously." (U10.688)
"- Can't you look for some money somewhere? Dilly said.
Mr Dedalus thought and nodded.
- I will, he said gravely. I looked all along the gutter in O'Connell street. I'll try this one now.
- You're very funny, Dilly said, grinning." (U10.701)
"- Here, Mr Dedalus said, handing her two pennies. Get a glass of milk for yourself and a bun or a something. I'll be home shortly.
He put the other coins in his pocket and started to walk on.
The viceregal cavalcade passed, greeted by obsequious policemen, out of Parkgate.
- I'm sure you have another shilling, Dilly said.
The lacquey banged loudly." (U10.706)
"Mr Dedalus amid the din walked off, murmuring to himself with a pursing mincing mouth:
- The little nuns! Nice little things! O, sure they wouldn't do anything! O, sure they wouldn't really! Is it little sister Monica!" (U10.713)
" *** " (U10.717)
"From the sundial towards James's Gate walked Mr Kernan," (U10.718)

St. James's Gate is the Guinness brewery, leased in 1759 by Arthur Guinness for 9,000 years at £45 per year. It became the largest brewery in Ireland in 1838, and was the largest in the world in 1914. During the 19c. and early 20c., Guinness owned most of the buildings in the surrounding area, including many streets of offices, or housing for employees. The brewery had its own power plant. Although no longer the largest brewery overall, it still is the largest brewery of stout in the world.
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